Principal's Policy in Learning During the Covid 19 Pandemic for Students with Special Needs

This paper is the result of research conducted by Rika Maria, Johandri Taufan, Nurhizrah Gistituati, and Sufyarma Marsidin by the title "Implementation of the Principal's Policy in Learning During the Covid 19 Pandemic for Students with Special Needs at MTsN 10 Tanah Datar".
Principal's Policy in Learning During the Covid 19 Pandemic for Students with Special Needs
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This study aims to see how the implementation of school policies in learning during the covid 19 period for students with special needs. The study describes the impact of policies provided by schools for students with special needs when learning online, as well as what problems arise from these policies and what solutions are provided in overcoming these problems.

The methodology used in this research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study research. Sources of data obtained through interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the policies provided are implementing face-to-face learning through limiting the number of students in accordance with health protocols.

Learning is done in shifts with 3 days face to face. 3 days online. Obstacles in implementing this policy include the difficulty of networking when online learning is carried out. The solution in this policy is home visits by teachers, besides that the school also provides convenience by allowing parents to deliver student assignments to school.

The results of the research and discussion explain that during this pandemic, the world of education is increasingly showing instability in the face-to-face learning process. Meanwhile, in carrying out good educational services, especially for students with special needs, it must be supported by a good situation and supported by adequate learning facilities.

Meanwhile, the success of good learning is not only the responsibility of a teacher who carries out teaching and learning activities but is also determined by the joint commitment of the principal and other school members in determining the policies to be implemented (Hermanto et al., 2020). The principal is the most important part who has a big role in determining the progress of the school, for that the role of the principal in determining policy is a must in situations like this.

The study from home policy is a policy issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia through SE number 4 of 2020 regarding the implementation of education during the emergency period for the spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). With the existence of this policy, it will then have an impact on the learning process in schools, not only for teachers but also for students, as well as parents or students' families (Purwanto & et al, 2020).

The policy issued is an effort to save students from the dangers of the virus but it will also cause several impacts, especially on students, teachers, and parents. Students themselves will feel forced to learn from home which actually does not have adequate facilities for this, so that the learning process will be hampered which should be before the start of the learning, supporting facilities must be available first.

Then next lies in the learning adaptation process, students who previously tended to interact directly in learning will require various kinds of learning adaptations and understand learning modeled in the network, so that the policies given may cause stagnation of students' understanding of learning. Given that the change to online learning indirectly affects the absorption of students (Dewidalam Saleh, 2020).

Almost all schools have implemented distance learning or commonly known as online in their learning process, but for the MTsN 10 Tanah Datar school, they have different policies in the process of implementing learning in their schools. The results showed that the policy implemented by the principal during this pandemic was to apply learning in turn or known as shifts. In the implementation process, this learning is carried out with a different number of students every day, because the model used is 3 days face-to-face and 3 days online. This shift model also applies to students with special needs, which for students with special needs face-to-face learning is very necessary in their academic development.

Based on the results of interviews, this policy was taken by the principal because he saw that the school had students with special needs who really needed face-to-face learning in their educational services. It will be difficult if students with special needs who experience obstacles in the form of learning difficulties, whether they are learning difficulties to read, count or write, are given continuous online learning. The impact that arises if the implementation of learning is carried out online every day, then the academic development of students will not increase.

Furthermore, using the shift learning model also makes it easier for parents to participate in the involvement of their children's education process, because not all parents of students with special needs have a good economy. This policy is implemented by the school principal so that later if students with special needs experience problems in collecting or carrying out their assignments, the school allows parents to deliver assignments from their children.

Furthermore, the policy implemented by the principal for online learning is to use the platforms that have been provided to support the online learning process. The platforms used include using whatsapp, zoom or google meat. It is hoped that learning using the provided platform can continue to help students in the learning process so that the material provided can be studied by students.

With the policies implemented, of course, there will also be problems or obstacles that arise. Especially obstacles when implementing online learning. We can see that the biggest problem in implementing online learning is internet signal. For schools and homes in the middle of the city, this problem may not be that big, but for some schools and students' homes in areas with very weak signals, of course, remote or online learning is not optimal.

Especially when the implementation of learning that was originally face-to-face turned into online learning. The teacher plays a big role in preparing the learning materials. The unpreparedness of teachers and students towards online learning is also a problem. The sudden transfer of the conventional learning system to the online system (due to the covid-19 pandemic) without proper preparation. Finally, a number of teachers are not able to keep up with changes with technology and information-based learning.

Even though it is a necessity that teachers use technology to support their learning, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Like it or not, ready or not, all of this must continue to be carried out so that the learning process can run and the rights of students to obtain education are fulfilled even in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic (Asmuni, 2020). Therefore, the ability to organize material consists of two stages, namely selecting learning materials and compiling learning materials. When learning takes place face-to-face, teachers are used to organizing learning. However, the problem is when learning takes place online.

Teachers must choose extra learning materials so that there are no misconceptions between teachers and parents or students when studying the material. On the other hand, teachers must also see the achievement of basic competencies that students must master. So that the making of material when learning is done online must be done optimally (Mulyasa, 2013).

The solution offered by the principal in implementing this online learning policy is that the principal provides a policy to parents who experience problems in collecting the assignments of their students, especially students with special needs, parents can send these assignments to school. This is done so that even though students who do not have smartphones or other gadgets can also participate in the learning process even though it is done online.

With this policy, it is possible for students to be more active in the learning process. In addition, the policy given by the principal in overcoming the problems of online learning, especially those with signal problems, is to assign tasks to teachers to carry out home visits. With this policy, not only students in general are helped, but for students with special needs it is very meaningful in the process of developing their academic abilities.

The policies provided by the principal, ranging from making a shift system or school time management, to holding teachers home visits, are very helpful for students with special needs in the learning process. No less important is the policy given by the principal to the teacher is to provide training in mastering online learning, so that teachers do not stutter in technology in carrying out this online learning.

The conclusion of this study is that the implementation of online learning which is distance learning during the covid-19 pandemic has various problems, especially for students with special needs. There needs to be a policy that regulates the process of implementing learning for students with special needs. The policies implemented by the principal of MTsN 10 Tanah Datar in learning during this pandemic include imposing a time management system or shift for students, where students conduct face-to-face learning for 3 days and online learning for 3 days. In addition, to support a good and effective online learning process, school principals provide training to teachers so that they can master learning technology so that they can provide effective services for students.

The obstacles that arise during the online learning process include the problem of poor internet signal, a policy is given for parents to be allowed to take assignments and collect assignments by sending them to school. In addition to helping the distance learning process run optimally, the principal makes a policy to hold visiting teachers. This is very good for students with special needs, because the presence of visiting teachers can make it easier for students with special needs to understand learning material.

The original title is "Implementasi Kebijakan Kepala Sekolah dalam Pembelajaran pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 bagi Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus di MTsN 10 Tanah Datar. The outhor from Universitas Negeri Padang".

Translated freely by admin. Admin apologizes if there is some wrong sentences in the translation.

Maria, R., Taufan, J., Gistituati, N., & Marsidin, S. (2021). Implementasi Kebijakan Kepala Sekolah dalam Pembelajaran pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 bagi Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus di MTsN 10 Tanah Datar. Jurnal Pendidikan Kebutuhan Khusus, 5(2), 1-7. 

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