Planning Matrix in Special Education: Definition, Purposes, Functions, and Development Procedures

Planning Matrix in Special Education: Definition, Purposes, Functions, and Procedures  Development 

Hi, learner. Welcome to the Surya Disability Blog. We, the admin, will share knowledge to you about the Planning Matrix in Special Education.

Planning Matrix in Special Education: Definition, Purposes, Functions, and Development Procedures

A description of the Planning Matrix in Special Education includes; Understanding Planning Matrix, Planning Matrix Objectives, Planning Matrix Functions, and Planning Matrix Development Procedures.

In this paper the admin also links to other articles related to the planning matrix, namely an example of a planning matrix for students with special needs that you can read as well.

Now, please, my friend, read carefully about the Planning Matrix in Special Education: Definition, Objectives, Functions, and Development Procedures.

Definition of  Planning Matrix

The special needs service program is based on direct summary assessment results. This is not wrong, but the material used as the basis for the preparation of the program is still in the form of summaries of the results of the assessment that has been carried out.

Quentin Iskov, Project Officer: Disabilities Department of Education and Children's Services (2012) added one more stage before compiling an intervention program, namely the preparation of a planning matrix.

Planning matrix is a mapping description of the condition of students with special needs individually that describes the actual conditions of its characteristic barriers, impacts, service strategies and media needed in the intervention.


The description of the mapping of the characteristics of special needs is then compiled a priority scale that describes the order of urgency of the problem that needs to be addressed immediately.

Therefore, with this planning matrix, special education teachers are greatly helped, because to determine a special needs service program, it only remains to compile the special needs service program according to the priority scale that has been obtained. 

Initially this planning matrix was made for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but in its development, students with special needs with other obstacles have also been greatly helped by this planning matrix. Types of barriers / disorders in students with special needs which can then be formulated.

Purposes of the Planning Matrix

  1. Mapping the actual academic conditions and the specifics of students with special needs based on the results of the assessment that has been done.
  2. Analyze the impact of each aspect of the actual condition of students with special needs both academically and specifically.
  3. Analyzing the right service strategy for children with special needs in accordance with the conditions and special needs of students with special needs both academically and specifically.

Planning Matrix Function

  1. Make it easier for teachers / therapists to determine the actual initial conditions (baseline) of students with special needs both in academic and specific aspects.
  2. Assisting teachers/ therapists in comprehensively mapping the conditions of students with special needs.
  3. Make it easier for teachers / therapists to determine the priority scale of specialization services that must be carried out immediately.

Planning Matrix Procedure Development 

  1. Categorize the assessment result data based on the types of obstacles / negligence of students with special needs.
  2. Creating a mapping table for students with special needs based on the types of obstacles / disorders according to the assessment findings.
  3. Pouring the findings of the actual conditions of the characteristics of students with special needs on the mapping table that has been made.
  4. Analyze the impact of the findings on the actual conditions of students with special needs and put it in the table that has been made.
  5. Analyze the service strategy on each finding of the actual conditions of students with special needs and outlined in the table that has been made.
  6. Analyzing the service priority scale based on the severity of the impact that has been outlined in the table.

Well, that's what the admin can share about the Planning Matrix in Special Education: Definition, Purposes, Functions, and Procedures  Development . Hopefully this is useful.

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Admin apologizes if there are many errors in English, because this article was translated using google translator.


Materi Learning Management System (LMS) Program Pemenuhan Guru Pembimbing Khusus, Kemdikbud Tahun 2020.

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